Understand Contraceptives In Rahim Safe for Mother

Contraceptive in the uterus is mounted contraception for women, in which its use is to be planted in the womb. Sounds a little scary, is not it? However, do not worry because the use of contraceptives is still within safe limits. Even quite safe for the mother.

One example of an intrauterine that is often used is a spiral or IUD or also called IUD. This tool is quite effective and there is even able to survive in the long term of 10 years. However, the installation of this equipment must be carried out by experts, such as midwives or doctors who are experts in their field.

Broadly speaking, the workings of contraception is to prevent the spiral meets an egg with sperm for conception can be avoided. By doing so, of course, unwanted pregnancies can be avoided. Or rather, those who want to set the spacing of pregnancy, can make spiral contraception is the best option.

Given the tool is inserted in the uterus, many women are afraid of the impact of the installation of this tool. Keep in mind, with a spiral contraception is fairly safe to use. Marital relationship will not interfere with the installation of this spiral. In addition, the use of contraception spiral also has no hormonal side effects, milk production remains smooth and of course can be installed immediately postpartum.

Besides the advantages mentioned above, using a spiral contraception also has its drawbacks. So, what are the disadvantages that the contraceptive use this spiral? In general, women who use contraceptive spiral will change her menstrual cycle. In addition, often the mother who uses this kb tool will experience pain during menstruation and bleeding. Even more frightening, this bleeding will be followed by seizures for approximately 3 to 5 days after installation.

Due to the above reasons, not everyone can use contraceptive IUD or spiral. Some people are not allowed to use this spiral is women who are pregnant and infected with vaginitis and cervicitis diseases or infectious diseases. In addition, women who experience vaginal bleeding and a history of tumor diseases, tuberculosis and cancer are also not recommended to use these spiral kb.

Now, while women may be using spiral kb This is a woman who has the desire to install a spiral contraception in the long term, both postpartum and breastfeeding mothers. In addition, women in reproductive age and has no risk of contagious diseases may also use this spiral contraception. ":""; newerLink.html(thumb+'
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