October 2015
Alternative Medicine, Anti Aging, Comfortable Kids, Dental Care, Fitness Equipment, Funeral, Hair Removal, Hair Treatment, HCG Diet, Health

The Right Time for Husband and Wife Relationship When Pregnant

Tips Family Health - a pregnant woman or wife is certainly not an obstacle to relations of husband and wife. Even husband and wife relationship Pregnancy done so as to provide happiness, improve family harmony, an expression of concern and affection between husband and wife. Noteworthy is the relation of husband and wife during pregnancy must be done correctly, so the pregnancy can continue safely and wife still feel uncomfortable when the relationship of husband and wife during pregnancy even get satisfaction. The aspects that must be considered when dealing Husband and Wife during pregnancy are:

Position and Movement When Pregnant Wife Husband Relationship
Relationships do body in a relaxed position, not tiring especially wife
Do not use the position relationship of husband and wife to be your wife's abdomen
Husband should not include the genitals too deep.

The Right Time While Pregnant Wife Husband Relationship:
When husband and wife want to do it,
Wife in a healthy state, not too tired and more recommendable when the mornings.

Spots occur due to the relationship of husband and wife When Pregnant

When a woman reaches orgasm will occur slight contraction (tension sort of mild cramping) in the womb. If this is the case since the beginning, then the condition of continuous cramps during orgasm or as a result of the activity Relationship Husband and Wife exhausting can lead to bleeding during a pregnancy when the husband and wife relationship.

Sperm danger to Fetus

Semen is not harmful to the fetus in the womb, except when the husband was suffering from genital infections or suffer from AIDS. But For Pregnant Women who are prone to miscarriage (never experienced spots), early pregnancy (first trimester) should not be spilled sperm in the vagina. This is because semen contains prostaglandins that can stimulate contractions of the uterine muscle. Conversely when the birth is advisable to do more husband and wife relationship, thus helping to stimulate contractions.

Semen can not contaminate the baby because he was protected safely in the bag. However, if the husband was suffering from genital infections and in the treatment, you should use a condom when dealing with a pregnant wife.

Early Pregnancy Agency related to the fact harmless, even reduces tension and stress due to hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women. But should also be careful - the liver does, Including further limit the frequency of the relationship of husband and wife is currently pregnant.

Prohibition of Relationship Husband Wife When Pregnant
Husband and Wife Husband and Wife Related prohibited during pregnancy when the membranes have ruptured,
Husbands are infected with HIV or AIDS and related husband and wife do not use condoms,
Pregnant women have a history of miscarriage too often,
In the diagnosis of placenta previa and bleeding.
With some of the above tips hopefully you can still enjoy the wife and husband and wife relationship while pregnant. But when his wife suffered minor complaint mules feels like pain and cramps during menstruation, or exit brownish spots or bleeding in pink up with fresh blood dripping, examination of nearest doctor immediately, so that the risk of miscarriage can be avoided.

Pregnancy-related Husband and Wife still be done with a few requirements that must be met,
Associated Body movement during pregnancy should be carefully and slowly,
Pregnant when the husband and wife relationship is forbidden to do, if it can be harmful to the mother and fetus.
Alternative Medicine, Anti Aging, Comfortable Kids, Dental Care, Fitness Equipment, Funeral, Hair Removal, Hair Treatment, HCG Diet, Health

Reproductive Organs Women and Men in Humans

Reproduction is the ability of living organisms to produce offspring with the aim of maintaining its kind. To be able to perform the reproduction process, requiring human reproductive organs and glands healthy reproduction. The important thing to note about the Reproductive Health is to understand the anatomy and the reproductive organs. If the general condition of the reproductive organs healthy, maintain descent process will be easier.

Male Reproductive Organs

Picture Male Reproductive Organs
Male reproductive organ has two functions, namely as the production of sex cells and release the cells into the female reproductive organs. The male reproductive organs are divided into five main sections, namely:

A pair of testes, produce sperm function
Scrotum (sac / Packaging scrotum), serves to set the right temperature for the testicles and sperm cells.
Consists of epididymis sperm duct that serves as a temporary storage place and the maturation of sperm cells and Vas deferens channel functioning sperm from the testes to the pouch sperm (seminal vesicles).
Penis is a tool copulation (Distributed sperm or semen into the female reproductive organs).
Urethtra is Male Reproductive Organs that deliver sperm function and urinary tract.
Female Reproductive Organs

Picture Female Reproductive Organs

The Female Reproductive Organs divided into five sections which are:
A pair of ovaries or ovarian function to produce eggs,
A pair of fimbria, serves to capture terlur cells of the ovary,
A pair oviduct or oviducts, or Fallopian tubes, channel serves eggs from the ovaries to the uterus as well as the occurrence of fertilization or conception,
Uterus (womb), a partially functioning embryonic growth and development,
Vagina, serves as a tool copulation (disalurkannya a sperm cell) and a discharge path of the baby.
Gland Reproduction Reproductive Organ also consists of several nodes which support the process of reproduction. As for the four glands are:

The seminal vesicles, is a gland in men that produces thick yellow liquid, containing food as an energy source for sperm motility.

The prostate gland, is a gland in men that serves as the largest cement producer that is watery, white fund provides food for sperm.

Bulbourethralis gland, a gland that is found in a woman's urethra which serves to clear mucus secreting fluid in the fluid neutralize acidic urine in the urethra.

Bartholin's glands, are glands found in the woman's vagina function to produce mucus alkalis during intercourse.