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Japanese foot massage - A secret of the Japanese health and longevity
The Japanese have the highest life expectancy in the world and one of the secrets of longevity is the practice of Japanese massage foot. More information about home care practice simple but incredibly effective.
What is the Japanese foot massage?
Japanese foot massage, called Zoku Shin Do, based on the practice of thought, which originated in China, but it has been practiced in Japan for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Thinking is the art of physical therapy based on the principle that there is pressure on the feet that correspond to every vital organ and gland in the body points. Applying pressure on these points releases tension that tends to store in the feet, which in turn improves blood circulation and energy flow and contribute fully to the health of the body as a whole.
The Japanese take this philosophy to heart, routine foot massage and exercise to maintain public health. Japan is also a country where people are doing a lot of walking, often in high heels and dress shoes and foot massage practice Japanese in Japan and just a way to effectively care for fatigue Walqdhae feet and pain!
Japanese Home Foot Massage Tools
Because of their busy patterns, it is often impractical for most Japanese to visit regularly reflexologist or masseuse. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost all Japanese households one or more of the foot massage devices they use every day to take care of your feet and public health.
Japanese foot massager Takefumi
And takefumi, which was written in Japanese literally means "step Bamboo," it's that simple cut of half a piece of soft steel and bamboo, which perfectly arched foot massage to provide incredible happy.
Using Takefumi
And takefumi is a simple and effective to use incredibly. Briefly on the ground and standing on it. As you work your feet back and forth, natural bamboo bow hit all pressure points on the feet.
You can stand on takefumi, you feel the tension in the foot released immediately, and the tension is not likely to do not know, even if you have to. A few minutes a day is all it takes to enjoy a stress free feet and contribute to better health in the body, usually through the exercise of thinking about home.
There are several types of takefumi. The simplest and most popular is simple bamboo takefumi described above. Another type of hard plastic, and has a small core that works something like fingers and provide additional stimulus for the pressure points on the feet.
Japanese secret to health and longevity
Almost every house has takefumi, and almost all Japanese used one for a few minutes every day for thought home. It is no coincidence that the Japanese have the highest life expectancy rates and enjoy the best health in the world.
A source Shane Jones